Supplier Integration

Revolutionize your Supplier Management

Automate supplier integration with eddyson and free yourself from manual, time-consuming and error-prone processes. Improve your Supplier Experience Management (SXM) and relieve your IT and purchasing department.

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900+ Companies Trust in eddyson

Challenges in Supplier Onboarding

Say Goodbye to Lengthy Integration Processes

Traditional supplier onboarding can be tedious and complex, both for your company and for your suppliers. Error-prone and time-consuming manual processes, such as checking master data, reconciling formats and the time-consuming validation of test messages, lead to delays in process digitization. At the same time, suppliers face the challenge of being confronted with differing requirements from their customers.

This is where eddyson's solution comes in. The automation process of our solution optimizes onboarding and management in day-to-day business and relieves you and your suppliers.

Challenges in Supplier Integration

eddyson's Innovative Integration Approach

The Importance of Supplier Experience

At eddyson, we understand that EDI connections not only have to be technically excellent - they also have to offer an optimal supplier experience. That's why we provide your suppliers with professional support and create an intuitive environment that is easy to navigate.

Our platform is based on first-class supplier experience management. Your suppliers can configure their individual setup in our Supplier Management Portal, allowing them to take over onboarding independently and easily. Thanks to process automation, nothing stands in the way of smooth initial activation and operation without manual intervention. 

Supplier Management Dashboard

Supplier Management Portal

Flexible and Automated Supplier Management

Our Supplier Management Portal is the key to successful supplier management. The intuitive and individually configurable portal enables your suppliers to handle your requirements independently and automates your processes at the same time. From setting up connections to automated data validation or rolling out new requirements - we digitalize the entire supplier management process.

You also receive full transparency about the status of your suppliers, whether accumulated per business process or at individual supplier level. This gives your purchasing department a complete picture for annual meetings and puts them in an optimal negotiating position.

Supplier Management - Test Message Processing

eddyson's WebEDI

The Solution for Suppliers Without Their Own EDI Infrastructure

You have suppliers without their own EDI infrastructure? No problem, eddyson's WebEDI solution enables any supplier to meet your requirements without the need for complex technical EDI setup and know-how. All your supplier needs is a web browser.

Our intuitive and intelligent WebEDI can manually generate and complete your document content. There are also key benefits on the supplier side. Pre-filled forms based on your order and call-off data minimize manual effort. In addition, we can switch to classic EDI at any time to completely eliminate manual effort for suppliers.

eddyson's WebEDI

Whitepaper Download

Whitepaper: Successful Supplier Management

Discover the future of supplier management and how you can revolutionize your supplier relationships. Our white paper "Successful EDI integration with Supplier Experience and Community Management" offers you valuable insights into the world of digital collaboration with suppliers.

Whitepaper: Successful Supplier Management

Contact eddyson

Ready for Efficient Supplier Integration?

Are you ready to revolutionize your supplier management with eddyson? Book a consultation with our team of experts today. We'll be happy to show you how you can automate your supplier integration with and optimize your processes!

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Network icon with three connected circles

Ready-Made Connections

Our solution is based on a repository of ready-made connections that enable incredibly fast implementation of your suppliers.

Stacked coins icon with Euro symbol in front

Transparent Pricing

With eddyson, you pay a monthly flat fee per partner that covers all EDI transactions, API calls and future business processes.

Headset icon

Personal Support

Our personal support team is available 24/7 to help you solve problems quickly and ensure a smooth service.

Contact Us

Get a free demo of our products and learn more about eddyson's solutions.


Got Any Questions? We Have the Answers!

Do you have questions about supplier integration? Don't worry, we have the answers! Dive into our FAQ section to gain clarity and deeper insight into supplier integration challenges and solutions.

How secure is data transmission during supplier integration with eddyson?

The security of your data is a top priority for eddyson. Our EDI solutions rely on state-of-the-art security protocols and encryption technologies to ensure protected data exchange. We comply with industry security standards and implement best practices to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of your business-critical data.

How does eddyson offer transparency in supplier management?

Our Supplier Management Portal and WebEDI offer full transparency about the status of your suppliers. This enables you to generate comprehensive knowledge about the processes. Your purchasing department receives a complete picture for annual meetings and is in a better negotiating position.

Can I also integrate small and localized suppliers with eddyson?

Yes, eddyson's B2B integration is designed to handle suppliers of different sizes and locations. Our flexible system allows for the integration of both large, global suppliers and small, local partners. Regardless of the size or location of your suppliers, we strive for smooth and efficient integration.

Can eddyson also help train suppliers to use EDI?

Yes, part of our comprehensive service offering is to help train your suppliers to use EDI. We provide training resources and guidance to ensure your suppliers can understand and implement the EDI process smoothly. Together we will ensure efficient and successful supplier integration.

How does eddyson support suppliers without their own EDI infrastructure?

With eddyson's WebEDI, suppliers can fulfill digitized processes without complex EDI setup and know-how. Suppliers get access to our innovative WebEDI via a web browser. They can create and complete document content manually, thanks to pre-filled forms based on your order and call-off data. You can switch to classic EDI at any time.